Anxiety is a normal state, brought about by various things we experience in our everyday lives. It is when anxiety becomes interfering with us being able to enjoy our lives that we would want to work on reducing anxiety. Sometimes anxiety can hinder us in relationships, family, or our workplace.
Anxiety manifests differently for everyone, but physiological changes (changes in the body) we see usually include a racing heart rate, increased breathing rate and these can then cause other reactions such as dizzyness, tingling sensations in our hands/feet and poor vision.
We often refer to anxiety as bringing about our 'Fight, Flight, Flop, Fawn or Freeze' responses.
There is an excellent video about the 5 'Fs' on youtube, here.
When we work together, we can talk about the reasons for your anxiety, the ways in which you cope and learn about other coping mechanisms that might help. Often I will use breathing and grounding techniques with my clients which help restore our physiological state back to baseline, and thus reducing the feelings brought about by our anxieties.

Anxiety Resources
Please have a look at these resources online for anxiety.
Panic - lots of useful resources about panic, panic disorders and worksheets for working through panic.
Worry -
Worrying is normal, however it can sometimes get in the way of enjoying our lives. Here is a website with lots of information about worry, including worksheets to help if you are struggling with worry.