My Approach
I have trained as an Integrative Counsellor, which means I work with my clients using a range of theories and elements to support the work we do. The main areas of training I have are in Person Centred Theory, Gestalt, and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy.
Seeking help in counselling is often a very difficult step to take. With this is mind I always work at your pace and with no judgement or 'advice giving'. You are the expert on your life and together we can work to find a way through.
I have completed Continued Professional Development in Trauma, Domestic abuse, safeguarding, and working affirmatively with GSRD (Gender, Sexuality and Relationship Diversity). I continue to pursue further education so that I am able to support my clients to the best of my ability and work ethically.
Online I work within a system set up specifically for hosting therapy, so please be reassured that all notes and client information is held securely in an encrypted database according to GDPR guidelines. I am registered with the ICO.
Please use the contact form below to enquire if you have further questions, or email me directly at
*Please add my email to your safe senders list and check for my reply in your junk folders*
You can find my professional listings on
I am a member of the National Counselling and Psychotherapy Society and work within their strict ethical framework which you can read here.
I hold insurance and am registered with the ICO in order to keep to GDPR guidelines.
Advanced Diploma in Psychotherapeutic Counselling
Certified Sex and Relationship Therapy Informed Professional
Certified ADHD Strength Based Interventions Therapist
Post Graduate Certificate in Veterinary Education
Advanced Diploma in Veterinary Nursing & RVN
Most recent CPD:
Working Alongside Trans, Gender Diverse and Questioning People - by Gendered Intelligence (2 Days)
ADHD Certification (Sept'24)
2 day Trauma Summit (June'24)
Sex and Relationship Therapy Certificate (April'24)
Dissociative Identity Disorder
Recognising abuse and coercive control
Vicarious traumatisation
Some things I have helped clients with include (not exhaustive):
Anxiety, Depression
Relationships and Intimacy
Life Transitions
Difficulties with Self-Esteem, Self Acceptance
Trauma including Sexual, Domestic and Childhood Abuse and Adversities
Grief, Loss, Bereavement
Veterinary specific counselling including imposter syndrome, compassion fatigue and burn out