Sleep Hygiene
Sleep Hygiene is about your nightly routine before you prepare to go to bed, and sleep.
Having poor sleep hygiene can impact us and create big problems with how we sleep, and therefore have enormous implications for our lives.
Improving our sleep hygiene can help us get to sleep more easily, sleep deeper and feel more refreshed and rested, ready to start the day.
Reducing caffeine intake, eating healthily, exercising and ensuring you only use your bedroom to sleep in (and have sex) are all important in maintaining good sleep habits!
Other top tips can be found below...

Tips for better sleep
Set a schedule
It might sound boring, but one of the best ways to be a good sleeper, is to train yourself into a regular sleep habit/schedule.
Using your phone is a handy way to set a timer to remind you when it is bedtime, and using these functions to get into a habit will pay off in improved sleep, most notably how quickly it takes for you to nod off!
Create a -pre bedtime' routine
Some people have a herbal tea and read a book, whilst others might have a bath to relax.
There is no 'set' thing you 'should' do before bed, but if having a tea or listening to a mindfulness soundscape help you, then great!
Turn off your screens
We all know it, but we rarely listen. Our phones are one of the biggest addictive things we have in common.
However, if you are struggling to sleep - then it is important to stop scrolling and switch off screens about an hour before you plan to be asleep.
That tiktok video can wait until tomorrow....